As you may noticed, PS does not have a shortcut set for duplicating a Layer or Group. But, that’s OK, cause almost everybody uses Cmd+J when in need to create a copy of the current layer. That’s the thing – it only works for layers. When you need to duplicate a group you have to drag the damn thing to the new icon in the Layers palette or go to the Layer menu… whatever.

Well, let’s assign then the Cmd+J to the “Duplicate Group…” item in the Layers menu. Photoshop can do that – set custom shortcuts. But here’s the the nasty part: now, when you press Cmd+J a very annoying dialog will show up and you have to hit at least Enter to get rid of it.

Is there an easier way? Well, it’s a bit of a tradeoff. Apparently PS can bypass some dialogs by pressing the Option(alt) key. So by assigning Cmd+J to “Duplicate Group…” and by pressing Cmd+Opt+J you can duplicate now layers or groups.


  1. Remove the Cmd+J shortcut from Layer via Copy
  2. Assign the Cmd+J to Duplicate Layer (Group)…
  3. Use Cmd+Alt+J to duplicate layer or group

Duplicate group shortcut in Photoshop

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